27 June 2007


  • After rounds of arbitrary thinking, I finally settled with an article by Brian Yap, which originally published through one of our local newspaper.
  • The article was never to be found anywhere then , if you are always rigid to yourself, morbid to your opinion or having an intact and emasculated flicker of interests. If so, then forget about reading what this post is about.
  • According to the article, you will always know what you believe plus even having a list for your favourite things, for instance, 'undeflowered' attached to Korean Dramas or Akademi Fantasia.
  • Now imagine, if I said I am telling you that what you are believing not only shows lack of intellectual capacity, but also simply poor taste? Certainly, you would jumped on to me and with fume and rage. How dare someone ridicule that something I love? How dare someone else insult the way I view the world?
  • With regards to that, Brian also told its reader that, even as difficult as it is for all of us and despite all views of those who stand on the opposite spectrum of what they read or let alone, lived in, we should choose to endure.
  • In addition to that, because of we are capping ourselves with mainstream way of thinking, which resulting to, too little contact with opposing views and alternative voices these days. Take these for examples, religious conservatives, racial supremacists, Neo-conservatives, orthodox and the list would goes on and on. Then you should be catching my drift.
  • Later on, I realise that we need to know the views and arguments of others to be certain of our own.
  • At end, To quote the article:

To be secure and confident of how we view the world, we all need to have our
beliefs challenged, our philosophies debated and our convictions questioned. The alternative would be like that emperor. You know, the one with no clothes

  • At ease soldier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nicely said, bro. keep it up!!