21 February 2008

Medsyam's Tag

I have been tagged.

Usually, I do not do this because I had never been tagged before. But, Medsyam had challenged me to scrawl some "merepek" (crappy stuffs) here. So, here Goes:

5 WebSites that I Always Visited:

1) www.facebook.com.

- to me, I take it as a real Live "Role Playing Game". The Main character is me and I connect with new people there. Plus, the application are addictive too.. Try it yourself..take sometime to understand how it works and you will be in my boots too..

2) www.ptdportal.com/forum

- this is where I belong. I am too obsess with this. It provides me the information latest events of the PTD world as well as my career stood.. I crave for this and my posts there almost reach at 7,000 posts.

3) www.dikirbarat.net/forum

- this is my latest craze. I must log in to find out about the latest development of "dikir barat" perfomance. The forum does not confine to "dikir barat" only, but also all the stuffs about Kelantan's cultural items including, "Gasing" (Tops and spins), "Silat" (Malay Martial Arts), "Wayang Kulit" (Shadow Puppets) and etc.

- registration is free and there will be updates about perfomances all around Klang Valley.. and some of them I will perform myself.. as a singer... :D

4) www.tradesignum.com

- Free Charting Tools for Bursa Malaysia Fans.. no need to explain further because it is too dry..

5) imageshack.us

- Free hosting site for pictures...


Well, Medcham.. thanks to you.. it really does sounds crappy...


I want to tag

1) Nazs (Ex-Classmate and mummy to be soon)

2) Chech

3) faruq

4) Lola

5) K-Lynn


Anonymous said...

beb, mana aci. orang lain dah tag aku dulu.

aku buat 1 untuk korang berdua lah!

Anonymous said...

haha.. very nice one of the merepek.. tapi tang tradesignum tu.. peh.. seriously dry. thanks and happy merepek.

cemilion said...

thank you thank you thank you..
I am so green..
thanks to you..

Thanks for the sport..

azura said...

hehe aku baru bukak blog ko, baru perasan ko tag aku.
nanti aku wat eh...