12 July 2006

Experiencing DPA Hangover!

Good Day..
Hi everybody. It is a day that is full of memories to be remembered. Usually, (6 Months Ago), sharp at 9 am, all of us, with full suite, will stand in front of an Emcee.. and all of us will Sang this song as stated in fully translated lyric below. Unfortunately i cant upload the marching tune ere..

Sentiasa selangkah di hadapan
(Always a step ahead)
Dijadikan Pedoman
(Be given as a guidance)
Itulah iltizam kami peserta
(That is our Determination)
Diploma Pengurusan Awam.
(The Public Management Diploma's Participants)
Keteguhan Sahsiah dan Pekerti
(Our Impregnable Calibre)
Lambang Keunggulan PTD
(As a crest of PTD's Excellence)
Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan
(Our Curteous and Ethics)
Jadi Keutamaan
(Be as our Precedence)
Kami berikrar, terus berusaha
(We had vowed, to keep on striving)
Menjiwai Keunggulan
(to instill spiritually the distinction)
Sifat Mulia, Teguhkan Keterampilan
(Dignity, Strengthening the charisma)
Asas Ke Arah Kecemerlangan
(The Chalice of Superiority)
Perkhidmatan Tadbir Diplomatik
(Diplomatic and Administration Service)
Jasa Kepada Pertiwi
(an act of pride to the Country)
Meneruskan Tradisi Ini
(To continue with the tradition)
Aspirasi dan Komitmen kami.
(Our greatest commitment and aspiration)
After that we will undergo wether lectures, Excercises and so forth.. At that moment we detest that. Some of us will try to make fun of it. But to me, the song is something to remind me that im being accepted to be in the Malaysian's Government Premier Service. Moment by moment, we inextricably being churned to be proud of the service.
Beautiful.. and spritually uplifting.
As for this.. some of us (including me) still experience the DPA hangover..
this song will always remain in our mind as a reminder to furnish Excellence into our daily career life.
Nevertheless, one of my friend had uttered that :
"this is a pill.. in fact.. the best pill to swallow.. Screwing ur service up will only left u more vulnerable and susceptible to worse thing that u could ever think of..."
So in order to keep on going with this reality, ritually, i ve started to wear the proud blue tie and white Shirt to office every Monday to the office. this is just to exhibit my allegiance to the batch's Pride (1/2005). Which will never be fading no matter how long the time will go....
I hope someday this will be instilled within all of our Batch's-Member's Heart..
With that i'll leave a few key points for me and all of u readers outside and including the community, which if uttered to me will remind me to all those moments at Diploma Pengurusan Awam.
Tn Mazlan, Lectures, Unit Cetak, INTAN, Lust, Gossips, Friends, Backstabbers, UDPA, TOPI, En. Yaman, Football, Futsal, 243, INTENGAH, PULADA, FRAM, OBS Cherakah... and the list will always goes on.
.... Priceless...

10 July 2006

Cest La Vie Ma Cherie

Entry for July 09, 2006

Mahalo to all..
should be entertaining though.. i hope that it would be...
it has been a week since im back to my position in my office... after a very long paused of vacation.. DPA 1/2005... i were there for six (6) months.. lotsa things had happened... pre-occupied by virtual living.. sharing laughters, sadness, downcast and etc... i ve really learned something.. ive already carved it to my "memoir's-tombstone" at the bottom of my heart.. it says...

"Dignity, pride, always falls under humility.. After all, things u gripe and u thought u deserve it were not meant to be yours in the first place... leave all the dishearten moments behind, take it positively and wisely churn it to become a lesson of ur life..teach it to those who want to learn..love, hatred, detests, will always test us... the strength of humility is the only thing that will win forever. Never feel discouraged by all the negative junctures. Whenever you feels that the world that u try to build starts to fall apart, do not despair. Somebody along ur lifetime will come and pick the pieces up. The only thing that is to do is to let them to help u. Open ur heart and arms. Therefore, u will not feel put aside anymore. Smile and move on.."

Ok.. thats all for today...